How To Feel Less Awkward Having Your Picture Taken

Helpful tips to feel better about your wedding photographs.

Many of my couples worry about having their wedding photographs taken. If you’re wedding planning and thinking you’ll feel and look awkward, and not enjoy the experience, here’s some useful advice.

Firstly, remind yourself that it’s completely natural to feel this way! Many of us have never had a ‘proper’ photo taken of us before, these days you’ve probably got comfortable with a selfie or a care-free group photo at a party or when you’re completely relaxed on holiday, and not much else! Not many of us have our photo taken regularly, so it makes sense you’ll feel unsure about what it will be like having your wedding portraits done.

It’s a photographer’s super-power!

This is why having a professional wedding photographer with you on your day is so important. It’s my expertise to put you at ease, to give you gentle guidance and reassurance throughout so you won’t even realise there’s a camera involved. It’s my particular super power to understand what you’ll feel comfortable with, to not make things super posey or forced; to give you the best photos of yourselves that you’ve ever had!

That all sounds good but how do we actually do this? It’s actually really simple. We take a wander away from your guests for a while, you can have a breather and a much needed drink of bubbly. This is your time and space to spend with your ‘just married’ person, to celebrate together in a lovely little bubble!

One of things you’ll notice is the chat, we talk a little walk and talk together, and I will give you subtle, natural ‘prompts’ like where to stand (cos the light is banging in that spot), what to do with your hands (just hold your loved ones hands cos you just got married), where to look (not at the camera lol). Before you know it, you’ll soon realise that having your picture taken isn’t so scary after all. You’re with your favourite person on the best day ever, and I am simply there to help capture it with you with a big smile on my face and gentle encouragement.

There’s no ‘lights, camera, action, it’s just you two being together.

Be kind to yourself.

Mindset can play a massive part in having your photo taken. Trust me, I might be a wedding photographer but even I don’t relish the thought of being on camera. So, this is why I regularly get my own branding photos updated, it’s important to remind myself how it feels, to know what will help you feel better.

Remind yourself that you have chosen a truly special and awesome outfit that you LOVE and feel amazing in, you will have done some self-care beforehand too right?

The bonus bit? That you are with a trusted professional, someone you actually like to hang out with on your special day.

Let go, allow yourself to feel really really good on this day, that you will enjoy every moment of your day, and trust in the process and experience your wedding photographer has expertly crafted for you.

A natural, flattering finish.

Got a massive spot come up on your nose the morning of your wedding? It happens, don’t worry! This can happen with stress and excitement in the lead up to the big day, also sometimes a change in skin care routine (tread with caution in the weeks before your wedding here).

While your wedding photos won’t be heavily airbrushed or retouched (this isn’t my style and is a completely different skill set requiring a professional retoucher), my signature edit gives a natural and flattering finish, yes, that includes the removal of those pesky pimples!

It is so important you both feel your best, and important I help you look your best; a massive part of that is helping you both feel relaxed so that natural beauty shines from the inside out - with just a little sprinkle on top.

Fancy a practice?

Your pre-wedding shoot can be the perfect time to practice, to experience exactly what it’s like before the big day itself. You also get more super cute photos together ;) I would highly recommend one of these sessions, especially if you are feeling nervous. There’s no big scary secret compared to your wedding portraits, it’s just a chance to get know each other abit more, to help you feel even more at ease.

Want to here from some of my couples? Here’s what they say about working with me:

“Katie has such a genuine, personable manner and was so supportive and reassuring. She took the time to find out about us as a couple and clearly cared about giving us the best experience” - Lucy & Gavin.

“We were so anxious about having our photos taken, however upon meeting Katie, we immediately felt at ease with her, she has this laid-back charm which made us comfortable front of lens” - Lillian and James

“Katie is just the loveliest lady, she is extremely caring, understanding and is so helpful. Katie, you are a true professional and you captured us, and our family and friends, so perfectly on our big day."“ - Molly and Tom.

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