Bridal Preparation Top Tips

Ever wondered what makes those bridal photos so Insta worthy? Find out more below…


If you are NOT getting ready at the same venue as your ceremony or reception, take a look at local Air BnBs. They can be great for snagging a good value, beautiful space to make the most of your preparations. It's a special time to get ready with your Bride Tribe, so treat yourselves to somewhere lovely.

If you ARE getting ready at the same venue, and you get a choice, try and choose a room with good window light, with a neutral space or furnishings that will compliment your details.

I chose my bridal prep room because of it’s big bay windows and knew the light and pretty furnishings would complement my dress and jewellery #notsorry!
Also, try to get as big a room as you can, the space fills up very quickly with your bride tribe, make-up and hair, and me.

Get in it! Your make-up artist will probably suggest you have your make-up in natural light if possible, and this works perfectly for photos too. If there's yellow/fluorescent lighting, try and dim it or turn the lights off completely. It's best to start with as fresh and natural a canvas as possible.


I mean EVERYTHING! Even the ‘interesting’ artwork on the walls! Do you really your lovely hotel room being spoiled by an interesting choice of artwork
(ok, hideous choice of artwork). Neutral spaces, free of clutter help ensure you get the best bridal shots possible. Move your snacks and bits and bobs to a corner of the room if possible. Who wants to see your Doritos in the background of a shot with your girls?! Or tampons next to your beautiful shoes?! I always do my best to do a little tidy when I arrive, but if we are tight for time, have your besties help with this. I promise it will pay off xx

This might seem controversial, but you do not need a fake tan. No matter how ‘natural’ a fake tan promises to be, it will always look a bit orange to the camera. I promise. Besides, your natural skin tone is beautiful! Subtle contouring on your collar bone and décolletage is all you need, if anything.

Put your dress, veil, shoes, jewellery, perfume, rings and any sentimental items in one place for me to photograph in some lovely flat-lays for you.
If you can, bring your wedding invitations with you, as it's always great to have a beautiful photograph to commemorate these too.


Give yourself more time than you think you will need to have your make-up and hair done and get dressed.
Start from your ceremony time and work backwards, and ask your make-up and hair artist for an estimate of time that they will need, then add an hour or two! This will help you relax, and trust me when I say that last hour or so before your ceremony goes by VERY quickly! Make sure you have time to have some photographs with you and your Bride Tribe, and some quiet photos of you before you head off to the ceremony. Factor in travel times to your Ceremony venue too of course, unless you want to be late, it’s a Bride’s prerogative.


Let’s not forget you! This is one of the top reasons you should have a second photographer. The groom and groomsmen should get some glory too as they get ready together. So let’s see your shoes, your cuff links, your pocket squares and buttonholes and ALL that jazz. Grab some beers and relax with your best men - I want to hear all about the stag ;)

If you’re as prepared as possible, you will feel relaxed and enjoy your special prep time. Allow yourself to feel fabulous, try to calm those nerves, don’t fret all the tiny details, and let me tell your story xx


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